has posted a letter from Liberal MP and Justice critic Marlene Jennings explaining her support for Bill C-59, the anti-camcording bill. Jennings, who was working on a private members bill to address the same issue, says: "The crux of the matter is that the relevant dispositions preventing camcording are […]
Archive for June 28th, 2007
Canadian Privacy Commissioners Call for Suspension of No-Fly List
Canadian privacy commissioners from coast to coast have passed a resolution calling on the government to suspend the recently launched no-fly list.
Deadline Day Passes for Spectrum Auction Reply Comments
The National Post has coverage as the parties got one last shot at commenting on the forthcoming spectrum auction. Given the Telus flip-flop, the Post rightly notes that it seems increasingly likely that the government will create a set-aside for a new entrant to provide much needed competition into the […]
FTC Releases Net Neutrality Report
The FTC has urged caution (report, coverage) on moving forward with net neutrality legislation in the U.S.
FTC Releases Net Neutrality Report
The FTC has urged caution (report, coverage) on moving forward with net neutrality legislation in the U.S.