Weeks after the World Economic Forum ranked Canadian intellectual property protection fourth among G8 countries, another international study has again ranked Canada as an IP protection leader. Taylor Wessing, in association with Managing Intellectual Property, has released the Global Intellectual Property Index (study requires free registration). Canada fares well for […]
Archive for May 8th, 2008
Calm Copyright
A promising new forum for Canadian copyright debate.
Ethics Committee Calls for Reinstatement of CAIRS
The House of Commons Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics has issued a report "deploring" the cancellation of the CAIRS database and demanding that the government reinstate it.
Canwest on Copyright Reform
Canwest features a story on possible copyright reform, focusing on the lobbying from the U.S. government – including a forthcoming trip to the U.S. by members of the IP Caucus – and the continued concern of thousands of Canadians.
Liberal Response to Net Neutrality
Julianna Yau posts a response she received from a Liberal MP on net neutrality. The response notes the deregulatory approach at the CRTC and states that "this approach does not afford proper recognition to the rights of Canadian internet users, and has resulted in the problems we are beginning to […]