Professor Yochai Benkler has posted a response to some of the criticism of the FCC-commissioned Berkman study on broadband.
Archive for November 4th, 2009
CBC Argues for Regulated Cable
The CBC has called for a pared-down basic all-Canadian cable package with content and price to be set by CRTC.
ACTA Negotiations, Day Two: What’s On Tap
As ACTA negotiators head into day two of the Seoul, Korea meetings, the global response to the Internet provisions in the chapter (the issue from day one) has been remarkable. Articles and postings from around the world (Germany, Italy, Sweden, UK, New Zealand, the Netherlands, U.S., Germany, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands), coverage from some of the most popular websites (Gizmodo, ReadWriteWeb, TorrentFreak, BoingBoing, Slashdot), as well as expert commentary (EFF, Electronic Frontier Australia) has been swift and universally concerned with ACTA.
According to the official agenda, in a few hours talks will continue on the Internet provisions and then move into the criminal provisions chapter. I discussed details of the Internet chapter yesterday, in a post that highlights the creation of a Global DMCA that would severely limit the ability for signatories to use the flexibility found in the WIPO Internet treaties. Moreover, the provisions would pave the way for a globalized three-strikes and you're out system, as ISP safe harbours would be premised on policies to terminate subscribers in appropriate circumstances.
It is worth highlighting the ongoing criminal provisions as well. As previously leaked, the U.S. and Japan supplied the initial text for this chapter. Their proposal included: