Swedish Communications Minister Åsa Torstensson visits Washington, DC next week with a meeting with the USTR on the agenda. According to a press release , the message on ACTA will be simple: open up the process to the public and do not adopt a three-strikes model.
Archive for November 27th, 2009
Tapscott on the UK Digital Economy Bill
Don Tapscott, who notes that he coined the phrase digital economy, argues that the UK Digital Economy bill is deeply flawed.
isoHunt Files New Statement of Claim Against CRIA
isoHunt, the Canadian-based Torrent search engine, has filed a follow-up statement of claim against the Canadian Recording Industry Association as it seeks a declaration that it is operating legally in Canada. The filing is well worth reading as it explains BitTorrent technology and argues that isoHunt is a P2P search […]
EU Files Responses To ACTA Internet Chapter
The European Union has filed its comments to the ACTA Internet chapter. While the existence of the document has been made public, the document itself has not.
UK Law Firm Planning to File Thousands Of P2P Demand Letters
The BBC reports that a UK law firm plans to file at least 15,000 legal demand letters earlier next year against people suspect of file sharing. The letters will threaten lawsuits but offer settlement terms of hundreds of pounds per person.