Earlier tonight I appeared on CBC's As It Happens to discuss ACTA. An MP3 version of the interview is available.
Archive for November 6th, 2009
Comparing Canadian iPhone Costs
The Financial Post has a good comparison of iPhone costs among the three Canadian carriers. The bottom line? Virtually no difference in price for most users.
Reporting on WIPO IP Enforcement Meeting
As delegates were meeting in Seoul, Korea on ACTA, WIPO was holding an IP enforcement meeting. Details from KEI and IP Watch.
ACTA Net Chapter
The Leaked ACTA Document
As the ACTA story begins to capture mainstream media attention (front page of the Ottawa Citizen, coverage from the Washington Post, NZ Herald, the Atlantic, Wired), the press release from the now-concluded Seoul talks should be released shortly [update: release out, exactly as predicted]. If the past releases are any […]