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“What On Earth…”
There’s a problem with the question itself, as the people who run Bell are always from another planet!
Let us not forget Bell charging for nonexistent 911 service in the NWT and Nunavut..
“…Bell does away with 911 fee – sort of … Andrew Livingstone
Northern News Services Published Wednesday, February 17, 2010
People signing up for a cell phone plan with Bell Mobility will find a surprise on their bill – actually, it’s more what won’t be found: 911 fees.
The 75 cent monthly charge was removed from Bell Mobility cell phone bills at the end of November last year, following suit with mobile service providers Rogers and Telus. Along with the 911 fee, the $6.95 system access fee was also removed from all plans signed onto after Dec. 1 last year. All customers on plans signed before Dec. 1 will continue to see the 911 and system access fees on their bills.
Bell’s insistence to continue charging the 911 fee to NWT customers even though they can’t access the service convinced one Yellowknife resident, James Anderson, to launch a $6-million class action lawsuit in 2007, which continues to wind its way through the courts.
While new customers and those changing their plans won’t see the pesky fees on their bills, they’re still paying for them. With the removal of the two fees, Bell raised the overall price of its monthly plan by $5.
A manager with Bell’s customer service centre said customers still pay for the 911 and system access fees, they just don’t see them directly on their bills. …”
It’s so sad. Back in the 70’s Bell often traded places with GM as the best company in Canada. To be fair Bell was a monopoly then and was guaranteed a good rate of return so being a good company was easy. Then they were thrown to the Lions of competition. Ever since, it has been a long way down to the bottom.
bell is a corporation like any other removing huge sums of money from our economy and hiding it somewhere else for their personal use at a later time.