The Shoestring, a blog run by Magazines Canada, reports that Access Copyright has sent out a message to its members urging them to encourage Industry Minister Jim Prentice to introduce the new copyright bill. Access Copyright claims in the letter that "after a great deal of pressur from a protest […]
Archive for December 19th, 2007
Gold on Chocolate and Copyright
McGill's Richard Gold has an op-ed in today's Globe and Mail lamenting Kraft's decision to restart copyright litigation against EuroExcellence over the importation of chocolate. Gold notes that "this is exactly the kind of misuse of the law that judges say is undermining the public's respect for the justice system." […]
The Cost of Copyright Term Extension
The Korea Times reports that South Korea has extended its term of copyright as required by its Free Trade Agreement with the United States. The government has pledged to allocate 160 billion won for the publishing industry to deal with the increased costs associated with the extension.