
If C-32 Becomes Law: Redline Version of the Copyright Act

Thanks once again to the hard work of my research assistant Keith Rose, posted below is a redline version of the Copyright Act with Bill C-32 incorporated into the law. 

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  1. This is how your website looks on a vertical screen:

    I dare you to ask me why I will never return 😛


  2. I would like to download the document to read offline, but the only way to do that seems to be to give an application access to all my personal facebook data? I don’t see why that should be necessary.

  3. Security error streaming document. Error #2048
    Can’t access the document.

  4. Andrei Mincov says:

    I posted what seems to me a much more readable version of the document incorporating the proposed changes in C-32 into the current Copyright Act. It is available at