CBC's Search Engine received hundreds of questions for Industry Minister Jim Prentice on the forthcoming copyright bill, yet the Minister advised the program yesterday that he would not take any questions until the bill is introduced. Prentice's unwillingness to respond to Canadians' concerns speaks volumes, but on the assumption that he will eventually defend his Canadian DMCA, I would ask the following ten questions:
1. After you unveiled the government's approach to the release of new spectrum, you indicated that you granted a full hour to each company involved in the issue to state their case. It has also been reported that you have met with U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins on the copyright issue. Would you please advise which other stakeholders you've met with on copyright reform? Have you personally met with consumer groups, privacy commissioners, education groups, researchers, and creator groups such as the Canadian Music Creators Coalition and Appropriation Art, to hear their concerns?
2. The public was last consulted on digital copyright reform more than six years ago in 2001. Given the dramatic change since that time, why has the government not consulted the public on this issue before introducing major copyright reforms? Given the lack of consultation, will the government commit to full committee hearings that grants everyone who wants to appear the right to do so?
3. While the government is clearly committed to implementing the WIPO Internet treaties, those treaties feature considerable flexibility. Leaving aside the debate over whether the treaties are good policy for Canada, there is no debating that Canada need not adopt a maximalist, U.S.-style DMCA in order to be compliant with the treaties. Given that flexibility (which was embraced in the 2005 Bill C-60 bill that died on the order paper), why would you revert unnecessarily to a more restrictive approach?
4. As you took to the podium for the spectrum auction announcement, you stood behind a sign that proclaimed "putting consumers first." How do you reconcile that claim with the strong opposition to anti-circumvention legislation from all Canadian consumer groups who fear that the law will be used to create unfair limitations on what consumers can do with their own personal property?
5. Earlier this year, your government released its national science and technology strategy. Notwithstanding the emphasis on research and education, a Canadian DMCA would represent a significant setback for the Canadian education community who would be locked out of fundamental education rights such as research and private study. Moreover, the Canadian digital security community warned against anti-circumvention legislation, which it fears could harm an emerging industry in Canada. How do you reconcile the emphasis on science and technology with copyright reforms that would create barriers to such initiatives?
6. The Privacy Commissioner of Canada, recognizing the potential impact of a Canadian DMCA on the privacy rights of millions of Canadians, has called on the government to conduct a privacy impact assessment on copyright reform legislation. Have you conducted a PIA? If so, will it be released to the public?
7. The Conservative Party of Canada pledged to "eliminate the levy on blank recording materials" in its 2005 policy declaration. Why has that pledge been abandoned? Similarly, the 2005 policy declaration stated that "the Conservative Party believes that reasonable access to copyright works is a critical necessity for learning and teaching for Canadian students and teachers, and that access to copyrighted materials enriches life long learning and is an essential component of an innovative economy." Why has the party abandoned this position with copyright reform that will make it more difficult for teachers and students to access copyright materials?
8. The Conservative Party of Canada has regularly emphasized the need to respect provincial rights. Academic experts have already raised concerns about the potential constitutional validity of a Canadian DMCA that would represent a significant incursion into provincial jurisdiction. Indeed, the "para-copyright" provisions found in anti-circumvention legislation are better characterized as laws related to property (a provincial matter) rather than copyright (a federal matter). How do you reconcile this inconsistency?
9. Your government claims that it prioritizes the need of small business in Canada, going so far as to appoint Diane Ablonczy as the Secretary of State for Small Business. Yet if the U.S. DMCA is any indication, a Canadian DMCA will have a devastating effect on small business, which will face barriers to innovation and the prospect of costly litigation. For example, Skylink Technologies, an Ontario company, was forced to spend millions of dollars in legal fees to defend itself in U.S. courts over claims that its universal garage door remote opener violated the DMCA. How will the Canadian DMCA guard against this outcome?
10. Copyright lobby groups claim that Canada has weak copyright protection, yet there are many areas where Canada's law is stronger than that found in the U.S. For example, Canadian copyright law does not include parody, time shifting, and device shifting within fair dealing. As a result, many forms of free speech may violate the law in Canada, while common activities such as recording a television show is still not permitted. If you are interested in "modernizing" copyright law, why have you avoided addressing every day issues that matter to individual Canadians?
These are great questions! We can only wish Prentice would answer them but I’m not very positive about that happening!
Parliamentary Correspondent
I second Dalila — these are terrific questions. And since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery (or, in some jurisdictions, the sincerest form of copyright violations), I’m going to stick these in my hip pocket for the next time I run into the Industry Minister outside the House of Commons.
Jim Robinson
These are indeed good questions. Now how can we get the opposition parties (esp. the Liberals) to also start asking them?
and #4 just begs to be turned into a slogan:
– Vote Conservative, unless you believe in private property
– The Conservatives believe in private property, except when they don\’t
OK, the above are lame, but I\’m sure it would take someone only slightly more skilled than me about 30 seconds to whip up half a dozen good ones.
You have to ask?
The Conservative Party of Canada: They have principles. And if you don’t like them, well, they have others.
indie music promotor
I like this one…
The Conservative Party of Canada:
Forcing YOU to Dump the Label and look elsewhere for entertainment.
The Conservative Party of Canada:
Brought to by the letters C R I A, and U S A
If the media can’t get answers…
If the media is unable to get answers, I’ll see what I can do about having my MP get the opposition to ask these questions in parliament.
If you live in Calgary, you can ask the minister these questions directly at his open house,
Join Jim and Karen Prentice at the Constituency Office for some holiday cheer!
Date: Saturday, December 8
Time: 1:00pm-3:00pm
Where: Constituency Office, Suite 105, 1318 Centre Street NE
Having some respect for music, I welcome the new copyright law. It is way overdue. Perhaps now hackers can turn their talents to figuring out how to get other stuff free, like groceries and rent. BTW, the Liberals were heading in the same direction before they got dumped. It’s an adult thing.
I notice the comment about the Liberals planning to bring this in before they got dumped. I don’t think it is a coincidence. A political party that is wants to be closer friends with Americans than Canadians stands an excellent chance to be dumped. I hope the Conservatives are smarter and avoid being dumped.
shane reilley
shane, perhaps obtaining an education is an adult thing you may want to look into at some point.
ThisCanadian – resident artist
US hires LOBBYISTS to strongarm Canada\’s SpaceArm sale to US FIRM.
Shades of Avro Arrow: “U.S. firm hires lobbyist to push sale of Canadian space firm”
[ link ]
sickening. Isn’t it time to contact our local Parliamentary representation?
Spread Love…
BlueBerry Pick\’n
can be found @
\”We, two, form a Multitude\” ~ Ovid.
\”Silent Freedom is Freedom Silenced\”\”
ThisCanadian – resident artist
US hires LOBBYISTS to strongarm Canada’s SpaceArm sale to US FIRM.
Shades of Avro Arrow: “U.S. firm hires lobbyist to push sale of Canadian space firm”
[ link ]
sickening. Isn’t it time to contact our local Parliamentary representation?
Spread Love…
BlueBerry Pick’n
can be found @
“We, two, form a Multitude” ~ Ovid.
“Silent Freedom is Freedom Silenced”