While readers of this blog may be more familiar with my blog postings or regular technology law columns, I also compile a daily Internet law news bulletin that is distributed daily by the Bureau of National Affairs in Washington, DC. Today marks the 10th anniversary of Internet Law News. My thanks to all the readers and particularly to Daniel Strigberger for his ongoing assistance in pulling ILN together each day. To mark the occasion, I've posted the first ILN from November 9, 1999, complete with stories on Nortel, a new ICANN board, and a forthcoming anti-cybersquatting law. To subscribe to ILN (it's free), visit BNA.
Compiled by Professor Michael Geist, University of Ottawa Law School
For subscription information, scroll to the end of this email
Analysis or more likely speculation continues in the aftermath of the Microsoft finding of fact decision. The same sources noted yesterday continue to provide comprehensive coverage.
Last week Nortel tried to stop former employees from moving to a rival in a Quebec court. This week, SAP America filed a lawsuit in Pennsylvania state court alleging that Siebel Systems unfairly hired 27 key SAP employees.
Apple Computer obtained an injunction preventing Future Power from selling the E-Power computer, an iMac look alike.
Passage of the U.S. Anti-Cybersquatting Bill is apparently increasingly likely. Yesterday a compromise proposal was added to the Satellite Home Viewers Act making a presidential veto less likely, reports the New York Times.
Another day, another cybersmearing action. Fruit of the Loom has launched an action to try to uncover who is behind some negative postings on a Yahoo chat board, reports the Wall Street Journal (subscription required).
Meanwhile, Law News Network provides an excellent look at the issue of online anonymity and cybersmearing lawsuits.
The FTC conducted another public workshop on privacy yesterday with privacy advocates voicing concerns about protections against online profiling.
Real Networks is all over the news today. First, Truste has completed its review of Real Networks – the software maker gets to keep its seal despite the privacy problems of the past couple of weeks.
Meanwhile, Real Networks responded to concerns about potential privacy leaks in Real Player by releasing its newest version without a global unique identifier (GUID).
Finally, in the aftermath of the Real Jukebox privacy issue, a California lawyer has launched a $500 million class action lawsuit against Real Networks alleging violation of state unfair business practices.
The Canadian government is set to unveil its long awaited consumer protection guidelines for e-commerce today. The National Post provides an early scoop.
EU Ministers yesterday delayed plans to regulate electronic money institutions following a late objection from the European Central Bank, reports the Financial Times.
If you find the 37 character limit for domain names imposed by NSI a problem, INWW, one of five new ICANN accredited registrars has the answer. It will register names with up to 63 characters.
Much to the frustration of some in the U.S., there are more Canadians on the board of ICANN than Americans. The National Post provides a profile of Jonathan Cohen, one of the Canadian board members.
The Wall Street Journal reports that China has drafted rules banning Internet foreign investment (subscription required).
Online fraud apparently is not only a problem in North America. This report from Australia highlights the activities of Australian regulators combating the practice.
There is another entrant into the online dispute resolution business. I-Courthouse, founded by two California attorneys, opened its doors yesterday.
10 years of this?
for what it’s worth, we STILL like you mike..
Confusing “Terms and Conditions” for BNA Internet Laws Newsletter!?
BNA Internet Laws Newsletter has a bit confusing “Terms and Conditions”. They are stating:
“This agreement does not permit the information contained in the E-mail Service(s) to be redistributed in print or electronic form in any manner that may infringe any copyright or proprietary interest of BNA. This agreement expressly prohibits the installation or copying of any portion of the E-mail Service(s) on any electronic medium, including but not limited to: networks, online service, electronic bulletin board service, World Wide Web or GOPHER site, or any other server that is Internet-enabled.”
Isn’t this hardcore draconian “Terms and Conditions” against what you are working for?
Why don’t you use Creative Commons’s licensing?