
What a Difference a Year Makes: James Moore in June ’09 vs. June ’10

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  1. Can you link to the actual youtube page?

  2. Timothy Friesen says:

    Quite the difference
    I wonder what it took for him to turn around so drastically?

  3. Hmm
    Cold, hard cash?

  4. Possible?
    Can “people” vote out an mp?

  5. @Jon only during an election. BC has recall legislation but mpjamesmoore is Federal.

  6. Once Moore is voted out, he is sure to land a cushy job in big media.

  7. Oh for the want of a good bank account trace

  8. Shocked, Shocked says:

    “Sources tell CBC News the highest levels of the Canadian government have known for years that foreign countries have been trying to win influence over Canadian politicians and public servants.”

  9. Quid Pro Quo?
    Oh for the want of a good bank account trace


    You REALLY think it’s that simple? If you wanted to thoroughly investigate a case of bribery at this scale you would have to do a “bank account trace” (and any other “surpise” assets) on the suspected politician, all his family members, all his friends and associates…then look at all the contracts/jobs all those people have received then somehow determine if they were not legitimate…finally determine any “surprise” donations to any NGOs or “charities” the politician in question has known or unknown affiliations with…all the while keeping in mind that crooked politics 101 is making anything seem legitimate!! And that still doesn’t cover the most common scenario mentioned by a poster above: “Once Moore is voted out, he is sure to land a cushy job in big media.”

  10. Stunning…
    I find it difficult to fathom. But then again this is the same week that US General McChrystal was canned for loose lips, CSIS’s head Richard Fadden was forced to backtrack and likely killed his career path

    Also France and Italy both bombed out of the World Cup…

    Maybe the stars are aligned against those we used to look up to?

    If so, go Geist! You are as close to a hero as I’ve ever had. Stay the course! We need you.

  11. Justin Thurn says:

    I second Wesley
    I have never once commented on a blog before because so many of them are utter junk.

    I so strongly agree with Wesley, however, that I just had to: Michale Geist is a true champion. Never before have I heard or read ANYONE so balanced and sensible when it comes to technology, intellectual property, and so on.

    A man truly for the people.

    Thank you, Michael Geist, from the bottom of my heart.

  12. You must be getting offers yourself soon Mike!
    This sort of flip flop shows they got to him. I really hope they never get to you. If they do let us know how they tried! I bet we could raise enough money to match their offer.